The Trump Psyop

I want to start by saying that my prediction in August was that Trump would win the election. In August I gave it an eighty percent probability. I did not predict this by looking at any polling numbers or reading political analysis, I predicted it because I know all American elections are fake, and I thought another four years of Trump was in the script. Trump is, after all, an actor. A reality TV star to be exact – now filling the role of puppet president of the United States.

Anyone with their eyes open can see that the 2020 elections were a fraud. And I don’t mean that Biden was involved in a nefarious plot to steal the election from Trump, with the aid of Russia or Italy or any other party. I mean that the way things turned out was scripted beforehand, possibly years – but at least months – beforehand, with the knowledge and consent of Trump. This is not only true this year, but in 2016, 2012, and every election year before that.

Like any effective psyop, Trump serves multiple agendas. The most obvious is to radically increase political polarization. As US president, he would be expected to manipulate both the Left and the Right. For the Left, he is the quintessential bogeyman: a boorish, crass, rich white male. Hardly capable of stringing together a coherent sentence, his gaucheries and malapropisms were at the forefront of mainstream media coverage for days and weeks at a time, crowding out any real news. The emotional response Trump triggers in some Leftists (Trump Derangement Syndrome) precludes any rational analysis of the actions carried out in his name. The Left is quite susceptible to emotional manipulation, and messaging playing on their primary moral foundations of care/harm and fairness has been extremely effective at engaging them in the mainstream narrative.

For the Right, Trump has come to represent a messianic figure, rescuing America from the depravity and decline wrought by the Left. This is further intensified by the Q psyop, averring that not only are the democrats corrupt puppets of the ruling elite, but they are a cabal of pedophilic child sacrificing Satanists. Trump, then, the 4-D chess master, is going to arrest them (any day now!) and drain the swamp, for the glory of God, and capitalism, and Uncle Sam, etc., etc. Trump appeals to the Right’s moral foundations of in-group loyalty and purity. Even after Trump has failed to achieve many of the things set out in his campaign (for instance, prosecuting the Clintons), many conservatives continue to promote Trump, and appear unable to admit that they have been duped.

Trump is not going to drain the swamp: he is simply another swamp creature, with an entourage of ghouls from Goldman Sachs and the CFR. Trump’s commerce secretary is Wilbur Ross, who previously managed bankruptcy restructuring at N M Rothschild & Sons in New York. In 1990 Ross helped Trump renegotiate his debts tied to the Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. Trump’s treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, is an investment banker and second generation Goldman Sachs alumnus. Trump’s erstwhile National Security Advisor was John Bolton, former diector of the neocon (fascist) PNAC think tank. Several close Trump associates were or are members of the globalist Council on Foreign relations, including Elaine Chow, Trump’s Secretary of Transportation and wife of Mitch McConnell, and Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. This is hardly and exhaustive list of Trump’s globalist connections, which would take many more paragraphs to list, but suffice it to say that anyone who has been bailed out by Rothschild bankers is not a saviour come to deliver America from the clutches of globalism.

Another objective of the Trump presidency was to preside over the economic unravelling of the US. In terms of raw numbers, since Trump took office the US national debt has risen 40%, from $20 trillion in January of 2017 to $28 trillion now. The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has followed a similar trajectory, rocketing up $3 trillion in the span of three months from March to May of 2020. It now stands at $7.3 trillion. All this while the US billionaire class increased their wealth by over $1 trillion (up 36%) and household wealth plunged over $6.5 trillion. Employment numbers are also dismal, with real unemployment, as measured by ShadowStats up about three percent from ~23% in 2016 to ~26% today. It may be argued that these calamitous economic conditions are due to COVID response, and not Trump, but as the ostensible leader of the country, Trump is accountable for government response. We simply see Trump playing the controlled opposition, bolstering the pandemic farce by claiming credit for the “best [COVID] testing in the world” and touting the vaccines as a “medical miracle” for which his administration directly responsible. I do not need to get into economic minutae, as the numbers speak for themselves – and it is not a good track record for a nominally populist president.

Probably the most devious agenda served by Trump’s presidency is the co-opting of the liberty movement. I have seen with my own eyes protestors waving Trump flags at anti-lockdown demonstrations in Toronto. Attaching the brand of liberty to such an unsuitable figurehead allows it to be tarnished by association with Trump’s ridiculous actions. Even his commendable decisions, such as defunding the WHO, only serve to draw insufficiently skeptical dissidents back into an ersatz-establishment fold. If dissenters wrongly perceive that something is being done on their behalf, they are less likely to take action themselves. Besides which, liberty will not be won by following a leader, though sources of inspiration are necessary. It will only be won through a grassroots movement not dependent on any leader, but organized through the self-directed virtuous behaviour of supporters. If morale can only be maintained through engagement with duplicitous leaders like Trump and QAnon, the movement is guaranteed to fail.

Part of Trump’s role as charlatan leader of the opposition is to trick dissidents into supporting actions counter to their ideals – into supporting greater levels of government control. This was one of the goals of the manufactured riots over the summer. If conservatives could be convinced that martial law was an appropriate solution to the problem, it would open the door to even greater levels of fascism. The agenda is the same with the calls for Trump to impose martial law to overturn the election. Yes, the election was fake, but it was faked with the help of Trump. It is simply another narrative to convince the people to accept ever greater levels of control.

With any misleading narrative it is important to recognize the source, in this case US three-star generals Michael Flynn and Thomas McInerney. Merely their rank in the American armed forces should be enough to place them under highest suspicion, as no one reaches that level without being owned by, and in many cases part of, the ruling families. Michael Flynn was Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency from 2012 to 2014, making him a top-ranking spook. He was Trump’s National Security Advisor for only 24 days, and was succeeded by H. R. McMaster, another member of the CFR. Flynn’s short tenure was due to being fired by Trump for lying to Vice President Pence and the FBI about the nature of his communications with the Russian ambassador, a charge to which he plead guilty. This, along with Flynn’s other connections to Russia, such as giving a speech at Russian military intelligence (GRU) headquarters, are structured so as to lend credence to the Russian collusion, though that was simply another fictional narrative intended to distract the Left.

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, Flynn has recommended that Trump suspend the costitution and hold a new election under martial law. Since the US constitution has, for all intents and purposes, already been shredded, I’m not sure what different it would make, other that to bring the fascism out into the open for all to see. Flynn has also recently been paying homage to Q, releasing a video on Twitter in July swearing an oath to support and defend the constitution, and finishing off with the QAnon “Where We Go One, We Go All” catchphrase. Interesting that he now wants to suspend the constitution.

General McInerney spent 34 years in the Air Force, before retiring in 1994. After leaving the military, he went into private enterprise as a board member of several military contractors. From 2002 to 2018, he also served as a senior military analyst for Fox News. In this role, he was revealed as a shill for the Pentagon, faithfully presenting the talking points that he had been given. In his role as public mouthpiece for the military-industrial complex, McInerney advocated for the Iraq war, as well as regime change through military action in Iran and North Korea. He also claimed that Saddam Hussein had moved WMDs to Lebanon and Syria, and wrote opinion pieces defending Donald Rumsfeld at the behest of the Pentagon.

This goes to show that McInerney is a paid liar who is willing to say anything his military handlers tell him to. Lately he has been advocating for Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, suspend habeas corpus, and declare martial law. In other words, become a dictator outright. As part of his story he claims that Russia, China, and Iran were involved in cyber warfare to rig the election. This is simply a repeat of the Russian collusion narrative from 2016, and it is just as fake now as it was then. The US elites have no need of foreign powers to rig their own elections. The question is simply why one faction, the military, appears to be upset with how the faked elections turned out this year.

[For my readers in Ontario, you should know that George Roche, co-founder of the protest group The Line, promoted Flynn and McInerney and this psy op during a protest march in December. This adds to the already abundant evidence that The Line is controlled opposition, including the fact that the founder is a member of a biker gang and goes by a fake name, and that starting in January 2021 The Line made the decision to split with other protest groups and hold their protest at a different location with all unrelated signage prohibited. Do not fall for it, or invest your time or money in their initiatives.]

Although Trump never declared martial law or invoked the Insurrection Act, the theatre continued with the U.S. Capitol riots on January 6th. Although there were doubtless many authentic Trump supporters in attendance at the Capitol, there is much evidence that it was planned beforehand and allowed to occur. Trump invited his rally attendees to walk down to the Capitol, and in the last two minutes of his speech said “We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” Security was very light at the Capitol despite adequate foreknowledge of the event, and there are multiple videos of police allowing rioters to enter the capitol grounds or the building itself. Several of the most recognized rioters also throw up red flags, being either actors, long time military, or the children of prominent families.

Apart from its impact as a psychological operation, there is no reason for the Capitol riots to have happened. They accomplished nothing, and nothing could have been expected to come of them. The most disruptive possible outcome would have been if members of congress were murdered, but as members of congress are simply pawns executing the decisions of men behind the scenes, nothing substantial would have been accomplished. The outcome, then, is that the Right loses any possible moral high ground that it may have had after the events of the summer. The media completes its total blackwashing of the Right, and cements the image of Trump as a Hitlerian figure – a cautionary tale of what can go wrong when conservative ideals are allowed to take root in government. Basically, Trump was put in to give naive truthers hope, he did little that will have any lasting positive impact, and now if he loses power it will be a demoralizing blow to many in the liberty movement.

A revolution will only succeed if the revolutionaries are focused on the right targets. That means they need to recognize the controlled opposition and repudiate it just as strongly as they do the mainstream. From my experience attending covid protests and speaking with other truthers, at best (if I’m being generous) 20% of them are aware of the controlled opposition theatre led by Trump, and even among those almost all still cling to various figures or ideas I know to be false or otherwise controlled.

I’m not sure what will happen on the 20th, and whether Biden’s inauguration will proceed as planned. After the Capitol riots I figured that the kabuki theatre was over, but the presence of over 20,000 troops in Washington DC suggests that things will not go forward in the ‘standard’ manner. Remember that such a troop movement must have been planned months in advance, and that Trump is still the Commander-in-Chief of the US military – that means that troops are present on his authority. Whatever happens, we can be sure that it is not Trump and Biden duking it out for the presidency – it is the occulted power brokers behind each of them jockeying for power. Their actions are only visible to the masses as shadows on the wall; any speculation about what is happening behind the scenes must be inferred from the exoteric stage play. My intuition is that COVID and the events of this election cycle are an attempted coup from newer elite players, like big tech, trying to usurp power from older players, like the military and oil companies. This can be seen from the increased reliance on technology during COVID, from Zoom calls, to remote work, to Amazon deliveries, together with diminished consumption of travel and physical goods (US oil prices briefly turned negative in April of 2020). In any case, if I never have to hear about Trump again, it will be too soon.

Read more about Trump from Miles or Alt-Market.

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